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3 posts tagged with "kubernetes"

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· 3 min read

Learn how to install Pinot Control Plane on Kubernetes, configure your first Pinot cluster, and dive into the control plane features.


We believe that Kubernetes can serve as a control plane for any application, including those with data and stateful sets. While Helm charts are useful for configuration management, they don't maintain the state of the application. That's why we've built a control plane based on the Kubernetes operator pattern that acts as a bridge between your application's requirements and Kubernetes infrastructure.

Why Control Plane for Pinot ?

Pinot control plane for k8s is specifically designed to improve the user experience of running Apache Pinot clusters. As a distributed database, Pinot can be challenging to run on Kubernetes without the right tools. Our project is based on the DSOI Spec and built using the Operator-Runtime library to provide a more user-friendly and Kubernetes-friendly experience.

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· 3 min read

In this article, we explore the use cases of Helm and Kubernetes operators, demystifying when to use each tool, based on DataInfra's experience in developing and maintaining Kubernetes operators, controllers, and libraries


In the realm of software development, the principle of separation of concerns holds great significance. It emphasises the need to divide a system into distinct parts, each responsible for a specific aspect of functionality. This approach promotes modularity, maintainability, and scalability, allowing developers to focus on specific areas without unnecessary dependencies. When it comes to managing Kubernetes deployments, the Helm tool and the operator pattern play crucial roles in adhering to this principle. In this blog post, we will explore the separation of concerns in Helm and the benefits of using operators in Kubernetes deployments.

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· 5 min read

Discover dynamic data schemas, Pinot schema evolution, and state management on Kubernetes. Efficiently manage evolving data schemas in Pinot for enhanced real-time analytics capabilities.


In this tutorial, we will explore how the Pinot control plane handles the evolution of schemas by adding new columns, which in turn requires segment reloads. Before we delve into the details, let's establish some context: Kubernetes is not solely an orchestration platform; it serves as the control plane for our application, Pinot, in this case.

The Pinot control plane operates based on three key states: the original state, the desired state, and the current state. We will examine how it efficiently manages these states in an event-driven manner, enabling seamless schema updates and segment reloads
